Leadership: Engaging Others in the Journey

LDR 200 • 3 Units
  • How do you influence others?18033888_1281959551857740_3442851216608294794_n
  • What are your leadership skills?
  • What are your leadership tendencies?
  • What are important leadership characteristics?

Leadership can be defined as one who guides or influences others or a dynamic relational process that moves toward a specific goal. To understand leadership, it is important to reflect on one’s own attributes as well as information from leading experts in the field.

This course introduces the concepts and theories of some of the leading experts on leadership. Leadership styles and conceptual models for assessing the leadership needs of groups and organizations are reviewed throughout the course to provide a foundation for students as they strengthen their knowledge and skills in leadership. Material covered in this course includes Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Kouzes & Posner’s Christian Reflections on the Leadership Challenges, Greenleaf’s The Servant as Leader, just to name a few. Students are challenged to increase self-awareness about their leadership assets and areas that may need development through dialogue about these readings as well as participation in learning exercises that help to apply the concepts and theories introduced. A course outcome includes having students create their own personal approach to leadership that integrates Christian discipleship with effectiveness in leading and influencing others.